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I’m Jayc Ryder,

The Master Of

A Lifetime Of Discovering His Ability To Tell Stories Has Created An Extraordinarily Transformational & Dynamic Story Teller In Jayc Ryder. The Intensity Of Jayc's Passion For Storytelling Is At The Heart Of His Delivery.

Life & Love Changing, Business Changing, Relationships Changing, Connection Changing, The Path To Transformation In Your Life Starts With A Dynamic Tale By Jayc That Will Touch Your Heart, Mind, Body, Soul & Wallet….

Jayc Ryder - Vivid Storyteller
What Story Do You Want For Your Life?


Introducing.. Well, Me..

Jayc Ryder has a resume that defies the mind. With adventures in Retail Management, Corporate Sales & Marketing, Project Management, Education and Training, Dancing, Personal Development, Workshops, Mentoring, Hypnotherapy, Television Hosting, On Stage Speaking, Coaching and Connection, you would think that this was more than the life of one man.

Since the youngest age, Jayc has always been a Dynamic Story Teller. Through sales, training, consulting, coaching and mentoring he discovered that his greatest ability, his greatest skill was telling stories that touch the mind, body and soul.
These stories would change lives, increase sales & profitability, heal broken hearts, resolve lifelong difficulties and challenges.

Jayc would take his audience, be it 2 people to 20000 on a colorful, emotional journey & there would be tears, laughter, emotional exclamations, reconciliation, resolutions, profits and sales, love, passion and purpose, so much so, that lives would never be the same again.

Dynamic Stories

My Specialities

The Stage Beckons

A handsome man in a suit, enters the convention/event stage. Taking his place with the microphone, the room immediately focuses as the unfolding story takes them in a strategic direction. 

The audience prepares to take what ever actions they are given and apply it in their business. This highly focused outcome has resulted in Jayc's clients having millions of dollars in sales, thousands of sales at public events and standing ovations.

Discovering.. Me...

Can you imagine flying 15000km's from your home, to a country on the other side of the world, to appear on a Television Reality show and after 6 months dedicated 24/7, be awarded 3rd place, best in the world, by SMS voting from a viewing public of 34 Million? 

Competing against 150 of the top in their field, Jayc represented Australia on a Top Ukrainian Reality TV Show. The Ukrainian audience fell in love with Jayc and Jayc fell in love with Ukraine. Since then, he has also hosted 16 Episodes of another Top Reality TV Show in Ukraine and that love has meant that for 10 Years he called Ukraine home. 

Let There Be Love

Los Angeles, a huge public convention event. Jayc Ryder on Stage, sharing his Soulmate Formula. The American public so desiring of this information, filled every seat they could find, now it was standing room only as people continued to pour in, until the event management were stopped by the Fire Marshalls and warned to “close the doors”. 

In that convention hall, Jayc quickly created an emotional connection with his entire audience. Each and every person felt he was talking directly to them. There were emotional exclamations, tears, laughter, realizations and deep meaningful connections. That was a weekend event where lives were changed, beyond what his audience expected or dreamed of.

Changing Direction

It was life or death… Death very nearly won. Emergency surgery, the skilled hands of 5 Ukrainian surgeons, the entire surgical team at that regional hospital proved their incredible abilities and talents. 

Where many others with this same situation have succumbed to death, Jayc had an “Angelic Near Death Experience” whilst in their hands. 

Then recovering faster than expected, with a life changing understanding of his Near Death Experience, Jayc has a connection in an alternative topic that leaves most people breathless and speechless.

This is a Story of Beliefs, Values, Personal Development, Spirituality, Communication and Connection..

This is the Ultimate Story of TRUST!

Want Jayc To Speak On Your Digital Or Physical Event Stage?

Click The Button To Discuss Your Uniquely Dynamic Event Experience

Join The Transformation Journey



Remove The Overwhelm

Do You Have Situations In Life That Are Overwhelming? Are You Stuck Making A Decision & Need A Professional, That Has Been Trained With The Experience, Knowledge & Expertise To Listen To You & Guide You?
Jayc Invites You To Discuss With Him Your Life, Relationship, Your Business Difficulties, Challenges & Opportunities. No Topic Is Out Of Bounds, You Will Receive Honest, Communication With Compassion & Direction On The Call You Will Be Given The Appropriate Guidance, Solutions & Information, Plus Much Much More. Book Your Call Now!

Create Your Dream Life

Are You Tired Of The Long Hard Way To Create The Life, Love, & Business Of Your Dreams? Want To Create Your Dream Life, Perfect Relationship & Design Your Business For Success?
The Freedom Formula Removes The Excuses So You Only Get Results. You Know You Want Something Important To Change & This Is Your Chance To Co-Create The Life Of Your Dreams… Currently CLOSED For New Applicants.

Upskill Your Coaching Certifications

Are You Looking For A Coaching Certification That Is Unique And Based Upon Over 20+ Years Of Research?

The Intuitive Love Leaders Program

Teaches Coaches How To Create Greater Connection, Communication & Insights For Stronger Results, More Reliable Commitments & Greater Longer Lasting Fees.



Changing Careers

Learn To Speak On Your Own Digital
Or Physical Stage

Click The Button To Discuss How Jayc Can Coach You To Become A Vivid Story Teller With Your Own Uniquely Dynamic Event Experience


Feedback On Jayc


Jayc, what a start! Good voice! Love your raw emotions. Great posture, good use of pauses, good gestures. Your eyes continue to share your emotions during your pauses. Moving. ❤️

Cyruz Cho

Speakers Tribe Global Singapore

Jayc, could feel your story. Almighty saved you for a greater purpose

Meenaz Bhombal

Speakers Tribe Global Singapore

Very touching sharing Jayc! Amazing, I can feel for you.

Keith Anthon (WSP)

Speakers Tribe Global Singapore

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